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Terri, Client Services Team Lead, is the recipient of the 2023-2024 Award for Accountability – one of the highest honours within Circle of Care’s employee recognition program, Champions of Care.

Making a Meaningful Impact

Meet Terri, an exemplary Client Services Team Lead who is committed to acts of service and passionate about improving the lives of clients and their families.

Terri started at Circle of Care as a Personal Support Worker (PSW) but was unable to continue providing direct care due to some personal health challenges. However, Terri knew she didn’t want to leave the healthcare industry. Leveraging her skills in support and coordination, she transitioned seamlessly into the role of Service Coordinator and then later in the role as Team Lead, where her dedication to supporting clients and families has continued.

A Trusted and Reliable Leader

Terri shows her commitment to accountability, integrity, and transparency in all aspects of her work.

Both her team and her clients recognize Terri’s responsiveness and willingness to assist others, even in critical situations. “The one we can all count on most is Terri,” says Jennifer, Service Coordinator. “She is quick to respond and will drop everything to help out a client in need. She is the one that the PSWs trust most and she is the one that I turn to daily for her tremendous support. No matter what she faces, she always approaches it with patience, kindness, empathy, and a goal to help others thrive.”

Her colleagues also praised Terri’s commitment to be thorough and provide accurate documentation. “Every time I read your case notes, they are brief, detailed, yet concise,” says Tara. “I never worry that you have missed details.” Terri’s amazing attention to detail ensures her colleagues have all the information to form a clear picture so that clients get the care they need.

Being able to help clients and staff when they need it the most makes Terri the happiest. She especially enjoys sharing “appreciation calls” for PSWs. “The relief and gratitude expressed in the client and their family’s voices is refreshing,” says Terri. “PSWs’ jobs aren’t easy and being able to share a positive client interaction or feedback with them makes my day so much better.”

Recognized for her Accountability

Terri’s unwavering attention to detail and her accountability to the clients and families who trust Circle of Care with their health and quality of life led her to receive the Champions of Care Award for Accountability.

“I was filled with immediate gratitude!” said Terri upon receiving the award. “It was nice to hear that my hard work was noticed by others.”

Her integrity, reliability, and genuine passion for supporting clients and their families at Circle of Care makes a lasting difference and inspires us all.