Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease
Caregiver's Corner
Health, Wellness & Other Information
Other Resources & Useful Links
Below are links to various community resources that you might find helpful. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, schedule a phone appointment with one of our specialists to discuss how we can connect you with the resources you need.
1) OHaH (Ontario Health atHome, formerly HCCSS/LHIN/CCAC)
Ontario Health atHome provides home care and facilitates access to community support services. It also provides long-term care home placement services and can provide information about, and referrals to, other providers of health and social services. Receive an assessment completed by a care coordinator to further determine eligibility and access a wide-range of government-funded or subsidized home and community care supports.
3) Adult Day Programs
Programs that provide an opportunity for people who are frail, have physical challenges, cognitive impairments, or who may be experiencing social isolation to have a day out to socialize and engage in various recreational activities (e.g., music therapy, games, arts, baking, exercise).
4) Health organizations and information
- Alzheimer Society of Canada
- Alzheimer Society of Toronto
- Alzheimers Society of York Region
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Canadian Diabetes Association
- Canadian Lung Association
- Canadian MedicAlert Foundation
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada
- Find a doctor or nurse practitioner
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
- Osteoporosis Canada
- Philips Lifeline, in association with Sinai Health – Medic Alert System
- Parkinson Society Canada
- The Arthritis Society
- The Kidney Foundation of Canada
7) Long-term Care and Retirement Residences
8) Extreme Cleaning, downsizing, decluttering, home staging and moving solutions, Snow Shoveling
- Red Coats
- VHA Extreme Cleaning Toronto
- CHATs Hoarding and De-Cluttering (York Region)
- Snow Angels Canada – connecting seniors with volunteers to shovel their driveways
- Better Living Home Maintenance and Repairs
10) Helplines
- Toronto Seniors Helpline – 416-217-2077
- Crisis Outreach for Seniors – 416-217-2077
- North York Seniors Hotline – 416-447-5200
11) Useful Government Resources
- 311 Toronto
- Government of Ontario
- Health Canada
- Homemakers and Nurses Services
- Ministry of the Attorney General
- Ministry of Health Assistive Devices program
- Office of the Public Trustee
- Toronto Public Health (TPH)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto
- York Region Health
- York Region Transit
12) Jewish Community Services
15) Financial Services
16) Legal Services
- Legal Aid Ontario – Provides free legal services if you cannot pay for a lawyer and have a complex criminal, family or immigration law problem.
- Community Legal Clinics – by postal code
- Legal Clinic for Seniors and Caregivers – free help with legal rights information, assistance in dealing with government offices, court and legal representation, legal consultation, educational workshops
- Pro Bono – free legal advice for up to 30 minutes, free assistance in preparing a simple will, and other services for low-income individuals
- Dying with Dignity – Advance care planning