Reflecting on Another Year of Progress and Opportunity
Over the past 12 months, more than 16,000 clients and caregivers leaned on Circle of Care for supports and services that allow them to live independently at home. Amid the day-to-day bustle of coordinating these important touchpoints, it is easy to overlook the major impact agencies like ours have on the overall health of our communities. However, Circle of Care was proud to take time to recognize and celebrate our accomplishments through the recent launch of our 2017-18 Annual Report, and at the Annual Meeting of the Board and members of the community.
Board Chair Allan Rudolph and Sinai Health System CEO Dr. Gary Newton spoke about the organization’s achievements and innovative partnerships before turning the floor over to Larry Singer, a member of Circle of Care’s Client and Family Caregiver Advisory Council. Larry’s poignant story about caring for his wife through the onset and devastating progression of Alzheimer’s disease gave those in attendance the opportunity to better understand the unique challenges and emotions within the caregiver experience.
“Listening to stories such as Larry’s is critical to helping us shape our programs and services going forward,” said Carey Lucki, CEO, Circle of Care. “Circle of Care is spreading its wings and challenging long-held assumptions. By keeping it simple, continuously monitoring our performance, and identifying priorities based on client and caregiver feedback, I am confident that we will make life even better for people in our community.”

Watch our Year in Review video.