Partnering for Better Outcomes for ALC Patients
As Ontario hospitals continue to struggle with capacity issues, Circle of Care has been collaborating with community partners on an initiative that will free up acute care beds currently occupied by patients who require an alternative level of care (ALC).
In response to the Toronto Central LHIN’s recent proposal for short-term transitional care beds, Circle of Care is proud to be partnering with long-term care provider The Rekai Centres, LOFT Community Services, and Sinai Health System on a model of care that will support the transition and flow of ALC patients from Toronto Central LHIN hospitals.
Based at the Rekai Centre at Wellesley Central Place, the 10-bed reintegration unit began taking patients this past winter. Circle of Care is providing support through a Social Work Care Navigator who is responsible for selecting appropriate patients from the acute setting, coordinating clients’ care needs throughout their stay, and facilitating a successful transition back to the community.