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Mary C., Personal Support Worker, is the recipient of the 2023-2024 Champion of the Year – one of the highest honours within Circle of Care’s employee recognition program, Champions of Care.

A Passion for Helping Others

Mary C. started as a registered nurse in the Philippines and joined Circle of Care as a Personal Support Worker (PSW) when she came to Canada. Becoming a PSW gave her the opportunity to showcase her previous experience in the fields of nursing and healthcare.

She explains that helping individuals live comfortably despite facing challenges in their daily lives is what gives her work true meaning.

“I really love helping others,” says Mary. “Helping and caring for other people makes me feel valued.”

Driven by her passion to make a positive impact, Mary approaches her work with patience, understanding, and willingness to learn. She says that her work as a PSW allows her to grow “both professionally and personally” and she is happy to know that her efforts contribute to making her clients feel valued and cared for.

Forming Deep Relationships with Clients

Mary’s warm and caring attitude have helped her  forge strong relationships with her clients. For example, one client left a heartfelt message to recognize Mary for her exceptional kindness, saying that when Mary visits, she feels like she is spending time with her daughter. She went on to describe how Mary is always willing to help her and does so joyfully.

“This is one of the beautiful attributes every PSW needs to have,” says her client. “I hope to always have her come.”

Another client even calls Mary by her own daughter’s name because she thinks of her as her a kind of daughter.

“Being considered family by the client is a unique and memorable experience,” says Mary, who says she derives real happiness from these types of responses.

Recognition and Acknowledgment for Her Dedication

Mary’s outstanding work embodies the core values of Circle of Care and this has not gone unnoticed. This year, she is the recipient of the 2023-2024 Award for Collaboration.

“I am truly grateful, overwhelmed, and thankful to receive this award,” says Mary. “It has provided me with inspiration to continue to the best of my ability.”

Mary intends to continue learning to further enhance her abilities as a PSW. She embraces challenges with patience and understanding, focusing on providing the highest standard of care to those she visits. With her ongoing pursuit of knowledge and her enduring commitment, Mary leaves a lasting impression on those she visits and continues to be an inspiration to those around her.