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Make your voice heard.

Join our group of Client and Caregiver Advisors!

At Circle of Care, we believe that clients and their caregivers should have a strong voice in their own care and care of their loved ones.

This is why we are inviting you to become one of our client and caregiver advisors. You will have an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas on improving our services and help us provide the best possible care to you and your loved ones.

Ways to Engage

We are happy to offer various ways to engage, so that you can contribute in a way that best suits your availability, interests and experience:

Join our Client and Family Advisory Council, which meets regularly to consider a variety of issues and concerns relevant to clients and families. Meetings are run in a hybrid format (in-person & online). You will gain an in-depth understanding of how we operate, and have an opportunity to make an impact on many different programs and services.

If you’re passionate about a specific topic related to home and community care, join one of our ongoing internal communities, such as the Client Safety Advisory Committee, Joint Health and Safety Committee, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee. Frequency of meetings depends on the committee, but most committees meet 4-6 times a year.

At Circle of Care, we are committed to ongoing improvement and innovation. This means we are always exploring opportunities for the next major project that would better support our clients and communities – and we are always excited to have client and caregiver representation on project-specific working groups. Give us a call to find out what projects we are currently focusing on and how you can participate!

Watch out for our ongoing client and caregiver surveys, and feel free to share your thoughts with us through the feedback and suggestions box that you can find in our monthly newsletter!


Advisory positions are open to clients, caregivers or family members of clients who have received services from Circle of Care within the past three years, and who are currently not employed with Circle of Care, or by the client/family.

Learn More

If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact [email protected] or call 647-200-7323.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to work together and make a real difference!

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