Digital Dementia Resources for Caregivers
Family caregivers, including spouses or children of older adults diagnosed with dementia, often find themselves thrust into challenging situations and unfamiliar territory. For many, it’s their first personal connection to dementia and its related behaviours, and this on its own can leave them feeling scared and overwhelmed. When combined with the emotional and physical toll of caregiving, the risk of caregiver burnout is a real.
Irina Nica-Graham, geriatric psychiatrist and Jenny Carr, OT Reg(Ont) from the Cyril & Dorothy, Joel & Jill Reitman Centre for Alzheimer’s Support and Training at Sinai Health recommended the following digital resources for caregivers at a recent Healthy Ageing 101 learning session at Mount Sinai Hospital.
For more information and resources, visit www.dementiacarers.ca.
Dementia Advisor App
Available in English and French, the Dementia Advisor App is a mobile app for iOS and Android devices that provides practical tips and advice for managing challenging behaviours in loved ones with dementia.
Dementia Talk App
The Dementia Talk App works as a tool for caregivers to track behaviours and develop a care plan to manage their loved ones’ symptoms. Its six features—a behaviour tracker, behaviour care plan, ‘my team’ sharing feature, medication list, calendar, and ‘caregiver corner’—act as a cohesive one-stop shop for a caregiver’s needs. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTrcoaPBxIg)

CARERS Program
The CARERS program is an 8 week group that can be completed in-person or online. The group focuses on teaching practical skills and problem solving techniques, and providing emotional supports needed to care for people with living with dementia.

TEACH Program
The TEACH program provides a shorter timespan than the CARERS program. Just 4 weeks long, this program is designed to provide support and teach skills around caregiver support.

Tele-Mindfulness Group (8 sessions)
This online 2-hour group provides the opportunity to learn and practice different meditation skills each session. Caregivers participate in the group from a remote location using a computer with Internet access.
Your Questions Answered
This video series answers common dementia caregiving questions, including whether it’s okay to lie to a family member with dementia, and what to do if the family member with dementia accuses their caregiver of always telling them what to do.
Coaching Using Simulations
This series of videos demonstrates a progression of building skills related to various areas of dementia care, including how to address accusations and paranoia, as well as repetitive calls and questions.
10 Tips Series
This series of 10 Tips includes topics such as how to communicate with someone with dementia, visiting someone with dementia, effective memory strategies, and more.