Celebrating our Volunteers
During National Volunteer Week, we asked our staff to describe the impact that our volunteers make on Circle of Care and its programs.

“At Circle of Care, our volunteers play many roles but no matter which service they are providing each in their own way truly makes a difference to the quality of life of our senior clients. Their impact is seen everyday, whether it is delivering a kosher meal, holding the hand of a terminally ill client, befriending a lonely senior, escorting a frail client to a medical appointment or providing entertainment and social activities to a person with Alzheimer’s. Circle of Care volunteers are the heart and soul of many of our services that could not run without them. It is a privilege and honour to work with such a wonderful group of volunteers.”
– Lisa Rae, Volunteer Resources Manager (pictured here with volunteer Barb Berman)

“Volunteers are the foundation of the Kosher Meals on Wheels program at Circle of Care. Our volunteers’ commitment to the program and to their clients has allowed Circle of Care to serve nutritious meals for over 50 years. When I think about our volunteers, I find it difficult to put into words the full impact their dedication and hard work has on the program. They do so much! They contribute their time, talents and energy to deliver meals, socialize with clients, provide “safety checks”, report changes in clients’ condition, organize routes for delivery, advocate for the clients. The list goes on!”
– Inna Dantchenko, Kosher Meals on Wheels Supervisor

“They say it’s the little things that make a difference. We see that every single day when our volunteers come in the door and greet each of our clients by name, making them feel special. One volunteer, knowing a client loves butterflies, came in one day wearing pants that were covered in butterflies, just to make the client happy. Another volunteer told her cardiologist she was going to sign a 20 year contract to continue volunteering at the Day Centre, so she will be well over 100 when she officially retires from volunteering! There are no words to express how grateful we are to our volunteers – not for their time but for the love that is put into every single interaction with our clients. Our volunteers tell us they need us just as much as we need them and there can be no better situation than that.”
– Madeline D’Arpino, RN, Adult Day Program (pictured here with Senior Recreationist Catherine Timm and volunteer Beatrice Weiss)